Sunday, January 15, 2012


This one started cold. 39 degs with 15-20 knot winds makes you think twice before you put your hand in the bait bucket! Besides the cold, it was a beautiful morning. The fishing was a little slow. The Trout and Sheephead seemed to be thicker than the Flatties in more than one way. My total catch was one barley legal flounder, 3 decent Trout, and a few Jacks. My long time friend Bobby was with me the whole day. He landed a couple flounder but they were all small. Bobby also lost one that would have put him in the running.
   The tournament winner was Casey Starck, brother to our reigning champ Gator. Casey traveled from Tallahassee to be apart of the tournament. Our victor caught both his fish on live mud minnows in two different locations. Ill let him tell the full story when he submits his report!
Thanks to everyone who donated their catch to some fresh fish tacos.
After we ate, we gave away some great raffle prizes. Thank you STRIKE ZONE for your generous contributions.

Congratulations to all our winners! It was a great day with fellow fisherman. I'm looking forward  to the next tournament. Lets keep this going and continue to support this sport we love.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Big thanks to Jim first for holding this awesome tournament! Well like Jim said it was a cold day with winds reaching up to 20 knots! We started out a little later than most people getting the family up and out to the inlet. We reached the Sebastian inlet around 11:00. My first cast was flounder on!! I got right in between two people who had been fishing in the same spot for over 1 hour and had no luck. I hooked up with a 14 inch flounder and decided that I wanted to move to the rock barge in the state park. I fished that for about 1 hour and thought I had hooked up with a monster just to find out the monster may have been a rock lol. After I broke off I decided to meet Gator in the state park swimming area. Not sure what the name of it is? We sat in the water up to our mid section freezing. We then received a hot tip from a name I cannot disclose that the flounder were biting on the south side of the state park out! We grabbed our tackle and took off. Once we were there we seen there was a lot of action. I took a risk and threw my line out into the wind to land a great looking 17 inch flounder, Delicious! With time closing in I decided to go to the weigh in and try my luck. I won my first tournament ever! Big thanks to Jim Gast and Strike Zone for everything. This surely will not be the last time they hear my name down there!! Excellent fishing and good people~
